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Assignments for 3/10


IEW - Medieval

Students should use Lesson 21 to write introductory and concluding paragraphs. Combine these with the two paragraphs they wrote last week for a four paragraph paper.


Read half of module 13. Do the On Your Own questions 13.1-13.5. Listen to the lesson 13a lecture and do Practice Problems that match lesson.

Burgess Sea Creatures (PreK-K), Burgess Sea Creatures (1st-2nd)

Homework: please read ch. 31-32. Our focus will be shrimp and types of seaweed.

Marine Biology

History/Writing (8th-9th), History/Writing (10th-12th)

Swimming Creatures (3rd-4th)

Read pages 164-170. No other homework. We will do the nature journals in class.

Kind Kingdom (5th-6th)

Read Ch. 5-8 in Prince Caspian, Ch. 60-62 in Our Island Story AND do narration papers that I sent home, Shakespeare- Cymbeline.

CHOIR Verse 2 of Star Spangled Banner, page 2 Boys: "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just" Girls: "And this be our motto" All: "In God is our trust" Boys: "And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave Girls: "O’er the land of the free Boys: "And the home of the brave Solo parts for Rise: Idelette and Elizabeth I won’t just survive Oh, you will see me thrive

June Apple and Katie Can’t write my story, I’m beyond the archetype Kate, Willow, Liza Jane I won’t just conform no matter how you shake my core cause my roots they run deep oh Micaiah I must stay conscious through the madness and chaos Ashlyn and Ella So I call on my angels They say Everyone keep practicing!


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