PE (3rd Period) - OPTIONAL: Students may have another attempt to complete the daily activity challenge. Over 2 weeks, write down 60 minutes of physical activity for 7 days (name of activity and time, ie. "bike riding - 20 min"). Bring me the record sheet will get to pick a prize.
Art - Please wear a covering to protect clothing from messy chalk pastels!
Chemistry - Finish reading Module 6, listen to lecture 6b- complete remaining OYO and Practice Problems
Enrichments (1st-2nd)
We will be reading An Evening Hymn by Thomas Ken and looking at another of Friedrichs paintings, Chalk Cliffs on Rügen.
History - Middle School
(Due 10/28) Read the rest of Queen Eleanor and chapter 6 in The European World. Research King Richard the Lionheart and write 10 interesting facts of his impact on history and the 3rd Crusade. Also, record a biography of Queen Eleanor in your notebooks (approximately 10 sentences as well) Hint: we put lots of info on her life on the whiteboard last week.
History/Writing (8th-9th), History/Writing (10th-12th)
IEW - Fables
Choose EITHER lesson 9 (Bellerophon and the Chimera) or lesson 10 (Damon and Pythias)- make a story sequence chart for key word outline, do rough draft, edit, and final draft. Remember to go through the composition checklist for the lesson and include all elements listed, including at least 1 of each style technique per paragraph. This should be a 3 paragraph composition. Study vocabulary words and use at least one in composition.
IEW - Medieval
Students should use Lesson 10, Vikings, to write a one paragraph paper. Remember to "SOME-A-RIZE!" There are some new banned words: the adjectives good/bad and big/little. Also, we will take Vocabulary Quiz 3 next class. Pay special attention to the words from Lessons 7-10.
Kind Kingdom 5th-6th
10/14: HW: Read Our Island Story CH. 29-32, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Ch. 4-9, and Little Red Riding Hood & Mother Holle. Also DON'T FORGET......their Magician's Newphew projects are due 10/28! There is a sheet the receiced that has their "Choice Board" that explains these options. They need to pick one to complete and bring to class to share! Also, please make sure they do a narration on each chapter of Our Island Story. These don't need to be lengthy, just a few sentences to help them remember what they've read! Enjoy having 2 weeks to complete your assignments!!
Marine Biology
Swimming Creatures (5th-6th)
• Write important or interesting information about sea snakes in the mini-book. • Optional: Color and cut out the sea turtle and glue it to the back to any of the three folders. • Optional: Video about sea snakes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eTtciy0fok This is very informative with close up shots of sea snakes and breathtaking footage of a coral reef. • Read pages 74-78 (first two lines) in textbook.