Academic Classes offered for Kindergarten through 12th grade. They vary some by semester and each year. A detailed schedule of the classes will be offered to member families for registration.
Primary & Secondary
K-5th We use Peaceful Press and other literature based curriculum for elementary history and literature classes.
6th-8th. We use a literature Based Charlotte Mason style curriculum including history, literature and geography.
We loop through 4 history cycles 1-Ancients, 2-Medieval, 3-American, 4-World/Modern
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) corresponding to the history cycle we are in.
K-1st uses Burgess Animal books or other nature science story books for a spine.
2nd - 6th uses Exploring Creation with Zoology by Apologia
7th-8th General Science, Physical Science from Apologia publishing and Berean Builders
Including enrichments of hymns, folk songs, poetry, art appreciation as recommended by the Ambleside Online suggested resources.
Academic Electives have included Speech, Debate, Finance, Health, Languages and Geography.
High School
& Literature
9th-12th We use a literature based, Charlotte Mason style curriculum that has history and literature elements.
We loop through 4 history cycles 1-Ancients, 2-Medieval, 3-American, 4-World/Modern
Ambulare has used resources from Institute For Excellence In Writing (IEW),
Analytical Grammar's Beyond the Book Report
Supplemental Resources: On Writing Well, Elements of Style
Each year we cycle the offerings for Lab Sciences. We alternate with Biology and Chemistry, and then offer alternative Science like Anatomy, Marine Biology, etc.